Running legend, coach and race director Mike Ehredt joins the show to discuss the challenges of Hard Rock 100, adventure running in foreign cultures and the pure bliss of letting our legs carry us mile after mile. Oh, and how many Mocha Frappuccinos it takes to cross America on foot.
Good news! Your Singletrack team will be hosting an aid station at the Hillbilly Half and Mountain Marathon this March. It’s one of the most fun and gnarliest races in the area that you definitely should sign up for. And we’ll be there, so of course it will be wild.
Also on this week’s show: Doug is testing chafing balms, Mathias needs new shoes, again, and the crew discusses the film ‘Free Solo’, finally. We also get quite silly and serious, so just a normal day with your two favorite co-hosts.
The crew retells their latest fun-filled adventure at the boggy North Slope of the Capitol Forest.
Weather-related race cancelations are discussed and what a lobbying group for trail runners would focus on. Deep stuff.
Your hosts discover new to them sun-filled trails so close to home and introduce Capitol Forest. The usefulness of micro spikes is debated and how one finds the physical and mental energy to get up and go on regular training runs.
Doug runs the Nookacamps Winter race, actually runs it twice! And finishes it, with his grandpa. You’re awesome Grandpa and you too Doug, well done.
You’re beloved hosts also discuss the on-boarding of new technology and how to cook the best taco meat. Like the white experts they are.
Thanks to Rickey Gates and Suunto for sending Mathias a new Suunto 9 watch. Very very awesome!
Mathias did it! He finished his winter project of running every damn single street in Olympia, Washington. The team (even Barbara Walters makes an appearance) have a lengthy conversation around goal setting, personal dreams, and life affirming projects. That is the essence of these short, weird, fun few years we walk and run on this planet called earth. There’s other stuff too.
Topics in this week’s episode include the UTMB draw, cherry coke, and dynamite. Doug signs up to Run the Rut mountain race, again! And the team gets political by yelling at asshats cutting down trees at Joshua Tree National Park due to the government shutdown.
It’s the new year and plans must be made, dreams hatched, and projects planned.
Share with us your dream adventure project for 2019 via audio message and we’ll include in an upcoming show.
Oh, and don’t forget to stretch after your run.
Groundbreaking Obscure. Memorable. Hilarious. Artistic.
Sometimes, there are movies that are too good to not be shared, Fire and Ice is one of them. In this week’s episode, Mathias and Doug give themselves a present by discussing the 1986 German Ski Film, Fire and Ice. Full of memorable quotes, ski dancing, tongue rolling and incredible music, this movie is a classic that few have seen. We dive deep into the movie, recapping the scenes and lines, giving you, the listener, an audio journey of the movie that is a classic at The Outdoor Society. We laugh a lot, talk about 80s culture and clothing, and of course, sing.
This episode is brought to you by the 2019 Summit Book, covering Mount Ellinor and Mount Rainier, which is a land of fire and ice!
Singing, seriousness, and storms! Mathias and Doug continue their conversation about running the streets, respond to listener feedback, running with saws and even get into the technical details on route planning and tracking. Despite Doug’s best efforts to derail Mathias with random comments, your favorite co-hosts also manage to find time to talk about Zinke’s resignation, awesome solar lights, and what song Doug should sing at a holiday Karaoke party. Another 5 star episode? We think so.
Let the year-end extravaganza begin. Your hosts review their best runs of the last year, and shares tips on how to make a vegan pavlova, while eating pork jerky.
Commitments are made to volunteer more in the new year and how to strike up the right conversations at the next family holiday gathering.
In this brief chat Douglas and Mathias discuss the pros and cons of creating your own ultra adventure vs. participating in organized races. Mathias drinks whiskey with a headlamp on while sharing the progress on his EverySingleStreet project using a SPOTX satellite messenger.
Later your favorite hosts make an urgent appeal to take the newly released climate assessment report recently released to heart. This is no joke folks. We have to change the way we live our lives.
In this week’s jam packed episode, Mathias embraces the holiday spirit, Douglas makes 90s hip hop references, we discuss running the roads of Olympia for #RunEveryRoad or #everysingleroad and then we dive back into our amazing gear reviews. We also highlight the brand new Summit Book 2019, now available on our website, and Douglas answers rapid fire questions. Whew. This episode is brought to you by your 5-star reviews! Haven’t left one yet? Why not?
This week, Mathias and Doug catch up on the latest running projects they have been enduring, wax poetic about the Olympic Peninsula’s Mount Ellinor and work up an appetitive talking about Pizza, Burgers and Shakes with this week’s sponsor, Eastside Big Toms. After the break, your co-hosts chat about the upcoming holidays and then dive into awesome gift ideas. Listen, love, laugh and long for more Single Track Adventures. Oh, and don’t forget to visit our store for guidebooks, calendars, notebooks and the 2019 Summit Book!
We’re awake again! Your faithful hosts are recapping Day 2 of the Outdoor Retailer Winter Market (including celebrity sightings!), chat about their #OptOutside plans, and share their favorite pies for Thanksgiving. Yes, it is that time of the year!
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