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Late Summer Gear List

28 August 2015 | Episode |

The email hit my inbox, and I knew I’d be in trouble. REI announced their big Labor Day Sale starting today, August 28th and going through September 7th. To make matters worse, it’s my birthday weekend. Or it makes matters better… I can’t decide.

To top it off my birthday weekend will be rained out. Which will be alright, since we so desperately need the rain in the Pacific Northwest. I shall not pout, but take one for the team. I will instead take my family indoor climbing at Warehouse Rock Gym.

While I’m watching the clouds pull over the mountains and reading the weather advisories for the weekend, I shall now resort to browsing the REI Online store for late season close-out deals on gear and clothing. Summer is not over and I have a few more projects in my list. Winter will be coming, and the Old Farmer’s Almanac talks about a ton of snow coming our way.

Because we all need new gear for the new season, here’s my wish list for this week’s REI sale. Remember it’s my birthday. You’re welcome, I made it easy for you.

Mountaineering boots

When I think hiking boots, I think sturdy, over-the-ankle boots that can take a beating. I want them to be colorful, if I can. This summer, I’ve been wearing and enjoying low-cut Adidas Terex Fast GTS Hiking Shoes and have not missed the ankle support, which surprised me quiet a bit. Since I bought my wife the most excellent Salomon Quest 4D GTX Hiking BootsI have been browsing REI for a good pair to come on sale. In general, if you’re looking for a serious pair of hiking boots, look for a European company. It’s a fact, they’ve been hiking over there much longer than we have and have perfected the materials for serious terrain.

My first choice: Salewa Rapace GTX Mountaineering Boots

440-2But the Hangwag Badlie or Altai Boots are both on sale this weekend and look very tempting.

Hanwag Badlie GTX


Hanwag Altai GTX440-1


Petzl Elios Climbing Helmet

One of my projects still beckoning to be completed or ‘sent’ as the cools kids say, is the Traverse from Mount Washington to Mount Ellinor. Wise voices tell me I should be doing that with a helmet, the scree fields are no joke in the Olympic Mountains. The Petzl Elios Climbing Helmet is on sale. And this might just be the one.

REI Kingdom Tent with Connect Tech Garage

This summer, I took my family car camping at one of Washington’s great State Parks: Fort Worden. Friends of mine gifted me their old tent, and it did a great job.  I’ve been eyeing the REI tents, more frequently, as I need something new and mine. After actually camping a few times and learning the ins and outs, I feel confident the REI Kingdom Tent Series with Connect Tech Garage will be my future basecamp. Especially the gear extension. It looks like a great way of keeping all the toys close together and out of the elements.

REI Kingdom 4 Tent


REI Connect Tech Garage440-4


Patagonia Black Hole Duffel

Last year I picked up one of those Patagonia Black Hole duffels and I totally love the bag. The material is water repellent and super sturdy. You can’t go wrong with these, traveling by air or going car camping, this bag looks cool and does the job.440-6


Adidas Terrex Jackets

Adidas, the mega sports outfitter is not just using their global foot print to establish themselves in genres people previously haven’t associated with the brand. Although well known for their soccer gear, Adidas was actually the company that outfitted Reinhold Messner on his first attempts on Mount Everest. Now, they are discovering one of their early roots and are releasing tons of great footwear and clothing, season after season.
I’ve been using a pair of they Terex Hiking Shoes for all my hikes and climbs this summer and have been surprised how much I love them. So, as a jacket lover who can never have enough jackets, I’d totally pick up one of these on sale right now.

adidas Hiking Wandertag Jacket


adidas Terrex Skyclimb Jacket440-8


Patagonia Wavefarer Board Shorts

My swim trunks are as old as stone and I need a new pair. The end of summer is the time to pick those up. Patagonia Wavefarer Board Shorts look cool and the price is right.



Petzl Lynx Leverlock Modular Crampons

Although we’re still celebrating summer, winter is coming. If the forecast is right, we might actually get some snow this year here in the Pacific Northwest. If we have snow, mountains must be explored and crampons must be had. Petzl makes some of the industry leading gear, and for a price like this one, it’s worth picking up a pair of Lynx Leverlock Modular Crampons come snow or not.



Zoic Ether Bike Shorts

I am dreaming of mountain biking in Whistler, and if I could live my dream, I’d get a Ghost Bike. They are German engineered – ‘nuff said. Until I have a good mountain bike up in BC, most of my biking is around town, down to the climbing gym and with the kids to a park. The Zoic Ether Bike Shorts look awesome, and I’d totally rock those any day. I’m not the spandex to the grocery store type guy.


Brooks Rev Singlet III Tank Top

On my last trail race, I wore a Brooks tank top or singlet as they call it and love how lightweight and breathable it is. Now, they are totally inexpensive? I better pick up a couple more.


Cli Energy Gel and Shot Blok

The other thing that kept me alive on the trail were lots and lots of Clif Shots and Shot Bloks. They are on sale right now. Time to stock up!



Ultimate Survival Technologies Emergency Survival Bag

I’m already eyeing my next race and this one requires me to bring some survival gear. The Emergency Survival Bag is cheap and light, and orange. For emergencies and for photo shoots.



Mountain Hardwear Elkommando Kilt

With all that shopping I can’t forget my friends. For Doug, I’ll pick up a pair of Mountain Hardware ElKommando kilts. He will love it, I know it.