Got Plans for Memorial Day Weekend?

21 May 2015 | Episode |

The Olympic National Park is inviting you for the long Holiday weekend to enjoy it’s incredible diversity.

Deer Park is opening up for the Memorial Day weekend:

The nine-mile Deer Park Road will open Friday, along with the 14-site Deer Park Campground.

Visitors are advised to use caution while driving this winding gravel road.  The campground provides a primitive camping experience, with vault toilets and no drinking water.

Of course, Hurricane Ridge and the Visitor Center is already open as well as the first 3 miles of Obstruction Point all the way to the Waterhole area with the remaining five miles opening up for the Holiday weekend.

Most of the low elevation campgrounds at Elwha, Fairholme, Graves Creek, Heart o’the Hills, Hoh, Kalaloch,  Mora, North Fork, Ozette, Queets, Sol Duc, South Beach, and Staircase.

The Altair Campground in the Elwha Valley remains closed due to winter flood damage.

If you’re looking for day hike suggestions and other incredible destination ideas visit our newly created Olympic Peninsula Hikes page.

Just the Enchanted Valley is still closed for overnight campers according to the ONP:

Enchanted Valley will remain closed to camping through the Memorial Day Weekend as rangers and wildlife biologists will continue to monitor the situation in the coming weeks.  The area was closed to camping in late April after black bears were observed consuming human food and hikers reported aggressive bear behavior.

If you’re unsure where to even begin exploring the Olympic Peninsula I can highly recommend Doug’s new book “The Definitive Guide – Olympia National Park & Olympic Peninsula . Available as eBook right now and soon in paperback on Amazon.