Live from the OR show in Denver, Colorado, Mathias and Douglas discuss the trade show in great length while trying to stay awake after long trips to get there. Stoked by the environmentally friendly new products, political activism of the Outdoor Industry, talking to new and old favorite companies, and a few quirky contraptions, your heroes might have recorded their most exhausting podcast ever. Short and sweet, they even discuss running a bit before ending this episode. Listeners, try to guess who was the most exhausted!
The crew makes a heartfelt plea to use your senses and go out and vote. Really, life as we know it depends on it. They also talk running slumps, how to review products review in-kind and pacing friends on really big races.
After a whirlwind travel week your friendly neighborhood podcasting hosts share stories of fall adventures at castles in Germany, running into friends on Cub Peak above Hoodsport, WA and how much broken fingers hurt. They didn’t talk about cured ham or delicious cakes, which they regret deeply. Mathias also shares his first big race signup for the new year. Exciting!
How many questions can Doug and Mathias answer in very short period of time. Not diddle-daddling allowed. They also cover the joy of running while traveling to far away places and offer a sneak peek at the upcoming Holiday Gift Guide show.
Twenty-five episodes in and the crew is not slowing down.
They are celebrating with new limited editions shirts – get some, people! Chips are eating, trails are run and races are selected for the new year. It’s a full show.
While drinking too much tea Doug and Mathias discuss the challenges of running on difficult downhill terrain. The team celebrates local parks and owls and highlights the gnarliest trails. Mathias gets a lesson on the history of cross country racing. And Doug learns about an ice skating rink for Olympia.
We interview Joseph Bridges from Stagrack, a brand new roof rack coming to Kickstarter this October. Afterwards a heated discussion ensues about the virtues of building and kicking cairns. Mathias volunteers at an elementary school and Doug shares the latest on the #NatureWritingChallenge.
The show kicks off with an interview with Sanni McCandless about Outwild – The new event series, resource hub and fall festival for adventurers seeking community.
Afterwards the team is discussing favorite race t-shirts, race starting line music, and Duck Tales.
We’re also celebrating National Public Lands Day and towels.
We’re officially introducing a rebranding of this fine outdoor podcast to the newly christened: SingleBREAD. Mathias bakes bread and Douglas eats it.
Oh right, we’re also recapping our weekend runs up to Electric Peak and Mt. Gladys respectively. There’s a conversation about fall running and finding joy on trails in the lowlands once the snow hits the mountains – which will happen very soon.
Back from vacation the team dives into a jam-packed show headlined by an interview with the awesome Jenny Vierling, cofounder of Tailwind Nutrition. The team discusses the benefits of training slow, the UTMB carnage from the prior weekend, new FKTs on the Wonderland Trail, and the endless/pointless discussion around people misbehaving in the wild. Phew… are you still with us?
Mathias shares some big personal news, which brings the hosts to question their facial hair choices. Recovery footwear is tested, approved and may or may not require a towel.
It’s finally family vacation time for Mathias and he’s in the exciting planning stages to escape the wildfire smokes in the Pacific Northwest and head to Yosemite. Douglas shares his childhood experiences from visiting this crazy popular National Park and they try to figure out how to make this trip the most memorable ever.
We’ll also bring you a interview with Johannes Ariens, Co-founder and CEO of Loge Co, a rad new local chain of hip outdoor destination basecamps in popular adventure tourist spots like Westport, Leavenworth and Bend, OR.
Ready for a road trip?
Between praising the virtues of night running and discussing the challenges of running on sandy beaches we’re bringing you this week an extra special interview with U.S. Congressman Derek Kilmer representing Washington’s 6th District. Derek is co-sponsoring an important bill with bipartisan support that aims to help the National Parks with their maintenance backlog. There’s discussion about sending letters to the universe, hiking with fellow members of congress at the Hoh, and how we can get involved helping our public lands. Don’t miss this one.
We’re excited to bring you an exclusive interview with the ladies who just crushed the FKT on the Press Traverse in Olympic National Park.
Also: Mathias runs up to Camp Muir at sunrise and Doug is stretching before his runs while dreaming of the cooler temperatures of fall.
Mathias finally gets to run a seriously epic route and makes Douglas envious.
Delicious FourPoints energy bars are being thoroughly tested.
Your hosts also take a look at the new premium features in Strava called ‘Summit’ and their cool route creation tool.
The community board Fastest Known Time gets as cool facelift which inspires for more trail shenanigans.
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